“The rainy season has arrived, some people view the rainy season as a blessing, but not so much as for the owner of the car, the rain makes the car dirty and unsightly eye”
Especially if you live in flood-prone area and you definitely do not want your favorite car under water, because any sophisticated car, it’s really never designed to hold water.
In addition, the integrity of several components, both in engine and drive components also needs to be protected from the threat of water. At least not in preparation for the car not stalled despite continued to rain or even forced to pass through some puddles. Although sometimes this simple examination of our visit to workshop entailed subscription if indeed there are some serious damage .
Is not it better to prevent than to strike when the flood struck during heavy rain. So, there’s nothing wrong we look and observe the tricks and tips on how to care for and clean the car in the wet season.
- As we know a lot of rain water containing salt and fine grains of dirt, so do not immediately wipe, better Dampen your first car body with clean water until evenly distributed. Then wash the car with a low foaming shampoo and rinse again and wipe evenly.
- Do not leave any dirt or salt by rain water on the car body more than 3 days, because it will cause rust, mildew and water stains are dry.
- Clean your car thoroughly, such as: car hinge, the edge of the trunk, the car door edge, the edge of the hood, etc.. Do not leave marks on the body of water after washing the car for too long because it can leave scars that are difficult eliminated.
- Clean your car or half after the first part completed and then the other.
- Avoid washing cars with high foaming shampoo, if not too dirty, just with water alone.